Mark Their Graves

As Memorial Day rapidly approaches, we think of the men and women who have sacrificed so much in service to this country. We honor their service. In 2002, we launched Green-Wood’s Civil War Project. We wanted to identify and locate the graves of Civil War veterans who are interred at Green-Wood. And, over the years, … Read more

Another Mystery Solved

Our Civil War Project began in 2002, and has been going strong for almost 10 years now. Volunteers have searched the grounds for anything (an inscription, a marker, a symbol) indicating the interment of a Civil War veteran. We have compared 172,000 names of men who enlisted in Brooklyn or New York City against the … Read more

What A Weekend!

Yes, it was indeed quite a weekend. Our Memorial Day Weekend was in preparation for what seems like forever; it was actually only a year. And it was an amazing and moving experience. Since 2002, hundreds of volunteers have been identifying Civil War veterans at Green-Wood. We’ve written a biography for each of the 4,600 … Read more

Bullet That Killed Him–17 Years Later

Since 2007, our Civil War Project volunteers have been going through the cemetery’s chronological books, looking for men of appropriate age to have served in the Civil War. When they come across one, they fill out a form with the information for that individual: name, birthplace, late residence, place of death, age at time of … Read more

Honoring Our Civil War Veterans

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle has just published a very nice article by Phoebe Neidl on Green-Wood’s Civil War Project. Read it here. I am quoted in the article as identifying Captain William Wheeler of Wheeler’s Battery as one of my favorite individuals whom I have discovered since the project began in 2002. Wheeler was a fascinating individual: … Read more

Remembering His Service

I saw this painting advertised; it is a one of a kind (I’ve never seen anything like it) tribute to a Civil War soldier. His name was Edward Marrenner and I thought that that name looked familiar. I checked our Civil War biographical dictionary and there he was: MARRENNER (or MARRINNER, MARINER), EDWARD (1843-1909). Major … Read more

Tick Tock, Tick Tock

One of the most rewarding aspects of our Civil War Project has been the information we have gotten from descendants of Civil War veterans who are interred at Green-Wood. Sometimes they contact us with bare bones information: my great grandfathers name is —- and he served in the Civil War. Can you help me find … Read more

No Longer Forgotten

Since 2002, The Green-Wood Historic Fund’s Civil War Project has been identifying Civil War veterans who are buried there, writing biographies for each of them, and making sure that each lies in a marked grave. For those whom we have discovered in unmarked graves, we have requested gravestones from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

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