Where in the World is Anthony Berger?

Where has Anthony Berger gone? In the 1860s, Anthony Berger ran Mathew Brady’s Washington D.C. National Photographic Art Gallery. It was Berger who, during the Civil War, took some of the most famous portraits of President Abraham Lincoln. But, as noted in Mathew Brady and His World, “[c]amera operators came and went . . .” … Read more

The Union Forever!

One hundred and fifty years ago, in April, 1861, war fever was sweeping New York City. In the wake of the bombardment of the Union garrison at Fort Sumter, in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, Major Robert Anderson and his men were transported by ship to New York City. They arrive to a hero’s reception on … Read more

No Respect for History

Unfortunately, not all historians are honest. Dr. Thomas P. Lowry, according to the description on one of his books, is “a retired professor of psychiatry.” Lowry, since the late 1990s, has made something of a name for himself as a researcher at the National Archives, going through obscure material there, then publishing books about his … Read more

Lincoln’s Funeral March Through New York City

With Lincoln’s Birthday rapidly approaching, and with a new purchase I’ve made, I thought it would be appropriate to return to the story of the funeral procession for the martyred President Abraham Lincoln through New York City. Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theatre in Washington D.C. on the evening of Good … Read more