There he was, for almost a decade, the security guard at Green-Wood’s main gates. He was Edward Watters, a native of Belize. Edward always had a sharp salute for the American flag as he went through his late-day ritual of taking down the Stars and Stripes of his adopted country from the nearby flag pole. He always had a little salute for me, and a smile, whenever I saw him at his post. He was a cheerful man–he must have had a lot for which to be thankful.

He worked at his job early last week, as he had done for years, greeting visitors to Green-Wood, answering their questions, giving them a map or a schedule. Then he went home, had a heart attack, and died. He was sixty-five years old. He will be missed.

Sorry to hear of his passing, he always had a smile on his face and was very friendly.
I was just at Greenwood in Febuarary and met him. He was very helpful and greeted me with a smile. May you rest in peace Mr. Watters.
What a sweet kind man. He certainly will be missed.
Rest in peace dear gentleman.
R.I.P. Edward. You will be missed. He never complained, even on the coldest or hottest day. He was indeed a cheerful man and respectful to all that entered the gates at Green-Wood Cemetery. He will be missed.
Marge Raymond
Green-Wood Historic Fund Tour Guide
May He RIP such a Nice Man, Always cheerful.
Mic and I were shocked to hear of Edward’s passing last week. We always had a bag of hot peppers for him each time we visited during the summer. We dedicated this years plants in his honor.
Green-Wood’s greeter will be missed.
I am saddened to learn of the death of this lovely man! It was always a pleasure to be greeted by him upon entering –and leaving–the cemetery.
Sorry to hear of Edward’s passing.
I wonder if he will be buried at Green-Wood?
Oh that’s so sad. What a nice man. I always enjoyed his smile, friendly greeting and salute whenever I walked by the gate. It was one of the high points of my walks. I will miss him.
I was very saddened to hear of this gentleman’s passing. My Mom is buried in Greenwood, and I would look forward to seeing this good man upon entering, and we would salute each other, and he was always with a smile. May Edward Rest in Eternal Peace.
When we learned of Edward’s passing there wasn’t a dry eye at Green-Wood. Edward was one of the finest gentlemen that I have ever had the pleasure of working with and I will miss his cheerful greeting and snappy salute to the American Flag after he ran it up the flagpole every morning.
May he rest in peace. My sincere condolences to his family.
I’m Saddened by the news of Edwards passing. He will be missed but his kindness and courteous ways will carry on at Greenwood.