Another Artist Inspired by Green-Wood

Since Green-Wood’s founding in 1838, its grounds and its sculpture have inspired generation after generation of visitors and artists. I recently learned of another artist inspired by Green-Wood. Howard Skrill teaches studio arts and lectures in art at St. Francis College in Brooklyn. For the last five years, he has been creating onsite drawings of … Read more

Civic Virtue At Green-Wood

After much effort, and some controversy, Civic Virtue, Frederick MacMonnies’s sculpture from the 1920s, has arrived, and been installed, at Green-Wood. It was a long journey. Civic Virtue was carved in marble in the Bronx. It was then installed in City Hall Park in Manhattan. Soon it was exiled to Queens, where, exposed to the … Read more

“Civic Virtue”

Since the 1850s, Green-Wood Cemetery has been a sculpture garden. Back then, there was little if any public sculpture in New York City or Brooklyn. If you wanted to see sculpture, you went off to Green-Wood to see it. And that tradition of Green-Wood as sculpture garden has continued: in 2002, we added the bronze … Read more